I am studying the invariant steady-state distribution of creases in a folded sheet of paper as a computational surrogate for crumpled materials. This is built upon previous work by the Rycroft Group. This project melds machine learning modeling for big data, mathematics, and high-performance computing.
Crease patterns from a synthetic
25-time folded sheet.
O. Gottesman, et al., A state variable for crumpled thin sheets, Communications
Physics 1 (1) (2018)

I learned about the singular value decomposition for complex-valued matrices and its applications in biometrics.

Eigenfaces. Strang, 2016

I have enjoyed studying math modeling for natural phenomena like phyllotaxis, as well as the philosophy of science, and other things.

Spirals in a sunflower. Source

I created a spatial model in MATLAB, scaled according to the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the voltage function’s Hessian matrix, to better understand effects of electrical contact placement choices upon axon polarizations during Deep-Brain Stimulation treatments.

The glyph I created